"was überhaupt gesagt werden kann, kann klar gesagt werden" - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Mittwoch, 4. April 2007, 14:38
ok, bin ich zurück.


sonam, 2007.04.16, 11:49
Was soll das nun wieder: ok, bin ich zurueck?????????

His divotion is to the word. His power is of seduction.He goes to seak the problems where they are. He stopped smoking to have the moral authority to combat tobacco addiction.He likes to prepare food recipes with a kind of scientific favor.He keeps himself in excellent physicalconditionwith various hours of gymnastic daily and frequent swimming.Invincible patience. Ironclad discipline.His attitude in the face of defeat, even in the most minimal actions of every day life would see to obey a private logic: he does not eveb admit it and does not have a minute peace untill he succeeds in inverting the terms and converting to victory.
He breakfasts with no less than 200 pages of news. Responces have to be exact given that he is capable of discovering the most minimal contradiction in a casual phrase.He has never refused to answer any questin, however provocative it might be, nor has be ever lost his patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In terms of those who are economical with the truth, in order not to give himany more concernsthan those that he already has: he knows it. He said ones: you are hiding truth from me, in order not to worry me, but when I finally dicovered them I will die from the impact of having to confront so many truth I have not been told!!!!!!!
When you ask him, what it was that he most wished to do in this world, he immediatly answered: To stand on a corner....

Who is HE???
Love Sonam